Monday, October 15, 2012

Your site for news

Hello, Clinton County. 

If you're visiting from our partner site - Clinton County Wind, welcome.  Please see that site for excellent background resources and information. 

When the Clinton County News published the October 14 article 'Hearing on proposed wind farm draws 100', it may have been the first time you knew that a company wanted to build turbines in the area.  However, some people in the community have been fighting the issue for years ... it's just now that the rest of us found out.

As you may already know, people in our community oppose the construction of turbines for a variety of reasons - to name a few: noise, dramatically lowered property values, negative wildlife and livestock effects, human health issues, aesthetic values, and economic reasons.

-- No matter your reason, check this site for updates on township and county meeting schedules.  Come and speak!  Let our elected officials hear your voices! 

-- Write to your elected officials.  We'll be posting letters from Clinton County Wind Watch writers that we're sending as well, so you can read them here.

--Write a letter to the editor.  Let more people read your opinion.

-- Share this site and our partner site with others.  There is power in numbers.  Let's mobilize. 

What can we do?  Well, we can do nothing and have turbines in our backyards.  Or, we can do something and fight as hard as we can ... and we might succeed.  It's worth a shot, isn't it?

Bengal Township is scheduling a special meeting on the proposed ordinance.  When the time is announced, we'll post it here.  Let's go and show our support. 

Any letter helps.  Just let people know what you think.

Clinton County News letters to the editor - 200 words, name, address, phone number. 
Tom Thelen -

Clinton County Planning Commission - Wendy Ward -

Clinton County Board of Commissioners - District 1, Dave Pohl -
District 4, Jack Enderle -

Check back soon or even better - Follow by Email on the right.  You do get an email asking you to approve the subscription, so be sure to check your junk email in case it goes in there. 

Thank you, Clinton County!