On November 13, 2103, Kevon Martis testified before the Ohio Senate and House Public Utilities Committees.
I am the director and senior policy analyst of the Interstate Informed Citizen’s Coalition, Inc. We are a bipartisan non‐profit based in SE Michigan, just a few miles from Toledo, OH. We represent citizens living on the front lines of industrial wind development in Ohio, Michigan and Indiana.
I would like to thank the committee for this opportunity to testify today.
I have a BA in History from the University of Michigan. I have also served as the vice‐chairman of the Riga Township planning commission as well as the vice‐chairman of the Lenawee County Rural Land Use Committee. I lecture widely across the Michigan on wind energy zoning matters. I have testified before the Michigan House Energy and Tech committee on energy policy and am a resource for legislators from both sides of the aisle.
As a volunteer ratepayer advocate, I believe I bring a unique perspective on what I will today call the
“bizarro world” of industrial wind energy policy. Having been involved with those who are living on the receiving end of wind energy mandates like Ohio’s SB221 or Michigan’s PA295, I am in a position to testify about things that lobbyists roaming the halls of Columbus or Lansing prefer to keep unseen.
As those who testified before me have elegantly demonstrated, the world of wind energy lobbyists,
developers and their “environmental group” advocates is one in which up is down, black is white, loud is quiet, double talk is the lingua franca and the US Constitution does not apply.
Permit me to share my observations from a front row seat across the rural Midwest over the last 4
years ...
You can read the rest of his testimony here.