We have just received some very sad news. Our friend Penny Malesky passed away Monday from complications with a recent surgery.
Throughout this prolonged, three-year fight I have met many fine people and have made many friends. I am proud to say Penny was both.
It was a great pleasure to have worked with her over this past year. She was instrumental in our efforts to pass the Essex Township police ordinance. Just when we were all getting worn down from the endless meetings, Penny, along with others, showed up with so much energy. She took it upon herself to make copies of DVDs and go door-to-door to pass them out to her neighbors and encourage them to come to the township meetings. She also pushed the township board to have a special meeting where Rick James was a featured speaker. While she didn't accomplish this alone, her role was pivotal.
Without her efforts to pick up the cause and run with it, we would not have the Essex Township police ordinance and, quite possibly, we may have failed in Bengal Township as well.
I thank God she was on our side. I hope He has a very special place for her.
Ken Wieber