The Essex Township board will hold a special meeting Monday, January 7 at 7:00 p.m.
It will not be in Maple Rapids - instead, it will be at the Bengal Township Hall at 6586 W M-21 in St Johns. (The Maple Rapids Community Center was unavailable.)
The following topics will be discussed:
1. Informative discussion regarding Essex Township wind turbines. Essex Township attorney, Mr. William Fehey, will be in attendance. The Dallas Township board and the Bengal Township board will be participating in the wind turbine discussion. Mr. David M. Revore, Attorney at Law will also be in attendance.
2. Discuss/possible action taken on the 2013 ambulance budget
3. Discuss/possible action taken on a motion to support the Clinton County Ambulance Authority's wish to purchase the buildings and land that the ambulance staff currently operate out of
Note - The Essex Township board is working with Dallas and Bengal since all three of the townships have PPOs. The Essex Township board is trying to prepare for what the ordinance requires.
This isn't a meeting that we all need to attend (like the January 10 one), since the boards are currently gathering information, but we wanted to let everyone know.
Thank you.