Monday, August 5, 2013

What comes next - meetings

From Lori Pung:

As you may know, Judge Tahvonen ruled last week that the PPOs put in place by Dallas, Bengal and Essex Townships were not valid and can not be enforced. 

So, what does this mean to us? This means that our fight is not over. Yes, this is not what we wanted to hear, and yes, this is a setback, but we do have options.

One of the options is to file an appeal and that is what we need to ask our townships to do. Now, more than ever, we need to go to the township meetings and demand that an appeal be filed. We can't let this ruling be the final say. We've worked too many years to give up now. We must all attend the following meetings in August and encourage all three township boards to file an appeal.  Our PPO can hold just needs to get to a different court. 

Please attend all of the meetings if you can. Please forward this information on to all township residents via email, text or phone calls. I encourage you to get the word out and let's get these halls FILLED.  Numbers speak volumes.

There is a special meeting tonight for Essex Township. Please see info below regarding that meeting and also the dates/times of the other township meetings this month with the first being in Fowler tomorrow night!

Dallas Township Meeting, Tuesday, August 6, 2013 7:00 - 225 S. Main Street, Fowler

Bengal Township Meeting, Wednesday, August 14, 2013 7:00 - 6586 W. M-21

Essex Township Meeting, Wednesday, August 21, 2013 7:00 - Maple Rapids Community Center 209 W. Union St.

August 5th Special Meeting information:
Township attorneys Frederick Lucas and Bill Fahey have requested a Special Meeting to discuss the Forest Hill Energy Complaint vs Essex Township. The meeting will take place on August 5th at 7:00 pm.  The Community Center is being used at that time so we have secured the Village of Maple Rapids offices for the meeting. The offices are located at 118 W.  Adelaide approximately three blocks North of the Community Center. This meeting will primarily be a closed meeting with public comment at the opening and closing of the meeting.