Thursday, November 29, 2012

Five yes votes

Tonight, the Bengal Township board passed an ordinance regulating wind turbines with five yes votes!

Thank you so much, Bengal board members, for helping to protect our rural community and way of life. Thanks also to Bengal, Dallas, and Essex township residents for all of their hard work and support.

Mark your calendars ... the Clinton County Planning Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals will be discussing the Forest Hill Energy special land use permit at their December 13, 2012 meeting.  The meeting will be in the Board of Commissioners Room, Suite 1300, Courthouse, 100 E. State Street, St Johns.

The township boards have been listening to their constituents.  Now it's time to move to the county level.  We hope to see you at the meeting.

You can see the Planning & Zoning web site here.

You can read the meeting agenda here.