Friday, October 26, 2012

Upcoming election

Elizabeth Ayoub asked us to post this letter to let people know she's running as a write-in candidate on Nov 6:

Dear fellow Bengal Township residents,

Elected officials are public servants entrusted to represent their constituents.

As a write-in candidate for Bengal Township Supervisor at the November general election, I promise you that, if elected, I will represent you. I promise you that I will use all of my resources and talents for the good of my people - my neighbors for the past 17 years.

I am a licensed Michigan attorney and a Pennsylvania certified teacher. I have over 30 years combined experience working in private industry and school systems.

If my reputation does not precede me and you need to learn more about me, please call me at 224-2608.

Remember that Elizabeth aYOUb will work for YOU.  Remember: add the A and B to YOU to write in my name. (A + YOU + B)

Thank you, neighbors.

Elizabeth Ayoub

Special meeting cancelled by Bengal Township board

The Bengal Township board posted this notice:


Due to the extremely unusual circumstances during the Special meeting on 10-23-12, the
proposed alternate meeting date of 10-29-12 is cancelled.

The sad and tragic passing of our attorney, J. Richard Robinson, the evening of 10-23-12 was a
disturbing event for everyone present to witness.

In order to address any agenda items with appropriate consideration and deliberateness,
our next meeting will be our regularly scheduled November Township meeting 11-14-12.

Bengal Township Board

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Paying more for electric, property devaluation, tax revenue loss

Gina Karasek submitted this letter to the editor for the Clinton County News:

Currently there is a proposal to put a wind farm in Clinton County. 27 landowners have leased their land to receive monthly payments of thousands of dollars over 20 years. The rest of the county will suffer huge economic loss. 

Here are some facts. The wind company will use our federal tax dollars as subsidies to build the wind farm. The local electric companies are forced to purchase the wind company electric which costs more than twice what it takes for the electric company to produce electric itself!

We do not get 'free' electric from having this ugly wind farm in our community or for them using our tax dollars. Instead we get to pay more than double what we already pay for our electric!

The wind company walks away with ALL the profit, while our property values fall approximately 40% from being within 5 miles of a wind farm (because unless you're getting paid to have these things, NO ONE wants to live near them!). 

Therefore, the county will suffer tax revenue losses from property devaluation.  Gratiot and 4 other counties are now mounting legal action due to financial devastation from their wind farms.

Gina Karasek

Our condolences

We just learned that Mr. Robinson, the attorney present at the meeting last night, passed away.  We offer our sincerest condolences to his family, his friends, and his clients.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

NEW time for Bengal Special Meeting - Oct 29, 7:00 p.m.

Soon after the meeting began in Bengal tonight, the board's attorney suffered a medical emergency and was taken by ambulance to the hospital.  As a result, the special meeting regarding wind turbines has been rescheduled for Oct 29 at 7:00 p.m. at Bengal Township Hall, 6586 West M-21.

Please attend.  If you are unable, please email your remarks to and indicate she should share it with the rest of the board. 

It may be useful to do this even if you do go and speak so the board members have a written record to consult.

Thank you.  There were over 100 people there - great turnout!  Let's have it happen again.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Attention: Special Bengal Township Meeting - Oct 23

We are distributing this notice in our neighborhoods.  Please pass along the news!



Tuesday, October 23, 2012 @ 7: 00 PM

Bengal Township Hall – 6586 West M-21

·         An application by Forest Hill Energy to install 40 Utility Scale Wind Turbines in Bengal, Dallas & Essex Townships has been submitted to Clinton County and is currently under review by the Clinton County Planning and Zoning Board.  The application states that 25 Wind Turbines will be located in Bengal Township, 9 in Dallas Township and 6 in Essex Township and are 426 feet tall.

·         Both Dallas and Essex Townships have adopted their own Licensing Ordinance which requires the applicant to meet the Clinton County Wind Ordinance standards as well as the standards set forth at the township level with regards to, but not limited to noise levels, turbine setbacks and shadow flicker.

·         The Township Licensing Ordinances adopted by Dallas and Essex Townships protects the non-participating landowner by requiring the setback distance be measured at a landowner’s PROPERTY LINE, not at the landowner’s residence as the County Wind Ordinance calls for.  In addition, the Township Licensing Ordinance states that a Wind Turbine cannot cast ANY shadow flicker on your property. However the Clinton County Ordinance states that you may endure up to 30 hours of shadow flicker per year on your residence. 

·         Forest Hill Energy is admitting that annually, more than 30 hours of shadow flicker will be cast upon your home by including the following statement in their application, In the unlikely event that shadow flicker is found to cause a nuisance, mitigation could include strategically placed tree plantings, window coverings, or window awnings.”

·         Because the output of wind is highly variable and rarely correlates with demand, meaning wind is not readily available during hot summer months and cold winter days when demand is the greatest, other sources of energy cannot be taken off line. The wind turbine industry is unable to show ANY evidence that wind power being on the power grid reduces the use of other fuels.

·         Properties located near wind turbines decrease in value and living near a wind turbine is not desirable. You may not be able to sell your home for what it’s worth, or perhaps, not at all.

·         Noise and shadow flicker can cause serious medical problems. Some residents living near wind farms have abandoned their homes because, not only can they not sell their property, but they themselves can no longer live there due to adverse health impacts caused by wind turbines.

·         The energy produced from these wind turbines will not provide energy directly to your home.  In addition, the applicant has stated that the turbines are 30% efficient; meaning the proposed 64 MW project only has a capacity of 19 MW.   

·         According to data provided from the US Energy Information Agency from the first five months of 2012 this year’s expected CO2 emissions have declined by more than 800 million tons, or 14% from their peak in 2007. The reason is the unprecedented switch to natural gas, which emits 45% less carbon per energy unit when compared to coal; not because of wind turbines or solar panels.

·         The Michigan Tax Tribunal changed the depreciation rate for wind turbines, dramatically reducing the money municipalities will earn from wind farms. Because municipalities have so much to lose, the counties of Huron, Sanilac, Gratiot and Tuscola are considering an inter-local agreement to share the cost of legal fees to fight DTE in an effort to receive their promised tax revenue.

Web sites & Sources:


Huron County View, Front Page, 2012-9-13; Mackinac Center for Public Policy (Michigan Capitol Confidential); “Why Are Carbon Dioxide Emissions Down So Much in the US?, by:Bjorn Lomborg, posted Sept. 15, 2012; National Wind Watch (; Wind Turbine Shadow Flicker and Noise: Wind Turbine Ice Throw; South Point Wind Farm

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Good news for Essex Township

At tonight's special meeting, the Essex Township Board adopted Ordinance No. 14, which regulates wind energy conservation systems in the township.

The ordinance addresses many of the concerns of Essex Township community members.  Just a few points:

- Maximum height of a turbine 380 feet with blade in vertical position

- Noise cannot exceed 45 decibels during the day and 40 at night

- No turbine can cause any strobe effect or shadow flicker without written approval by the board

- Turbines cannot produce vibrations or wind currents humanly perceptible beyond the property boundaries of the leased lot

- Applicant must fund an environmental impact study

- Turbines must be located 1600 feet from property line

Everyone applauded after the board passed the ordinance.  Then everyone applauded the board.  Great job, Essex Township board and Essex Township community! 

Let's all give our support to Bengal Township on Tuesday, Oct 23, 7:00 p.m.  See you there!

Bengal Township Special Meeting is Oct 23

The Bengal Township meeting about wind turbines will be on Tuesday, Oct 23 at 7:00 p.m.

It will be held at Township Hall at 6586 West M-21.

No matter where you live, please attend to support Bengal Township members.  Spread the word!

To receive updates by email, please fill in your address in the 'FOLLOW BY EMAIL' section on the right.

Long-term health of dairy cattle, diminished home value

Glen and Jill Feldpaush sent this letter to the Clinton County Planning Commission, the Essex Township Board, and the Bengal Township Board:

October 10, 2012

Clinton County Planning Commission
Chairperson:  Shannon Schlegel, Vice-Chair:  Mark Simon, Secretary:  Kelly Chadwick
Members: Earl Barks, Robert Kudwa, Adam Stacey (B.O.C. Representative), Patti Jandernoa
100 East State Street, Suite 1300
St. Johns, MI 48879

Dear Chairperson Schlegel and Chairmen of the Board,

We are writing to you to voice our concerns regarding the application for special land use and site plan approval submitted by Forest Hill Energy/Fowler Farms, LLC to construct wind turbines in Dallas, Essex and Bengal Township.

Clinton County is the number one dairy county in the State of Michigan.  Agriculture, in particular, dairy farming is one of the largest (if not, the largest) industry in Clinton County.  We are 3rd generation dairy farmers here in Clinton County, with our son joining us as a partner to make the 4th generation.  We have 2 dairy locations, one in Bengal and one in Essex Township. 

We fear the reproductive health and well being of our dairy cattle.  The long-term health of our cattle could be affected by the placing of wind turbines on the land near them.  There has not been any long-term studies done to say that this will NOT affect the ability for the cows to continue to produce milk at the high level in which we strive for.

We employ 60 full-time employees and 20 part-time employees.  Most of these men and women are home owners here in the region.  They are contributing members to our county as well.  We also fear that the value of their homes and the homes of all our neighbors in the community will be greatly diminished, if not completely unsellable if the wind turbines come into our area.  As property values decrease, the county will receive less income from property taxes. 

Our own family members will be discouraged from buying a home and settling in our community.  Why would anyone want to move into our area if they had to look at, hear, and feel a wind turbine from a neighboring piece of property.  Once the land use permit is approved there is nothing to stop them from adding phase 2 and phase 3.  No one's property will be immune to the chance of a wind turbine going up across the road from their home or in the field behind their house.

Ladies and gentlemen of the board, we urge you to consider denying this permit altogether.  The placement of wind turbines in our county will only benefit the land owners on which they sit and a small amount of taxes promised over 20 years.  This does not justify the health risks and other negative economic impacts it will have on our property and potentially our farm animals.

Thank you for considering our concerns.

Glen and Jill Feldpausch
Rich-Ro Dairy, LLC
3565 North Forest Hill Road
St. Johns, MI 48879

Property Valuation Guaranty for non-participating land owners

Chris Conner has submitted this to the Clinton County News for the letter to the editor section:

Our local government officials have very important decisions before them. We pray they act wisely and equitably for all stakeholders.

Sadly, many communities have succumbed to utility scale wind development projects, and lost themselves in the process. This is a divisive issue, for understandable reasons.

The common pattern of wind developers is to target communities where a divide and conquer strategy can succeed.  Promising lucrative incentives to solicit land owners to participate is not in of itself a bad practice, but what if the neighbors suffer material economic losses as a result?

Independent property appraisers have testified to an average 20-45% reduction in residential values located within three miles of wind projects. The wind developers say otherwise. They want to expand and may be coming to a neighborhood near you.

There is an easy and just remedy to this concern. Our elected officials can require a Property Valuation Guaranty (PGV) for non-participating land owners within a 3-mile radius of the project. This has been done elsewhere.

Please log on to  and  to learn more. Your biggest investment and way of life may be at risk.

Chris Conner

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Essex Township Special Meeting October 17


The Essex Township Board will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at 7:30 pm at the Maple Rapids Community Center, 209 W Union St., Maple Rapids, MI 48853.

The purpose of this meeting is to review and possibly vote to adopt a Police Power Ordinance to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare in the location, construction and operation of Wind Energy Conversion Systems in Essex Township.

Rex Ferguson
Essex Township Trustee

Monday, October 15, 2012

Your site for news

Hello, Clinton County. 

If you're visiting from our partner site - Clinton County Wind, welcome.  Please see that site for excellent background resources and information. 

When the Clinton County News published the October 14 article 'Hearing on proposed wind farm draws 100', it may have been the first time you knew that a company wanted to build turbines in the area.  However, some people in the community have been fighting the issue for years ... it's just now that the rest of us found out.

As you may already know, people in our community oppose the construction of turbines for a variety of reasons - to name a few: noise, dramatically lowered property values, negative wildlife and livestock effects, human health issues, aesthetic values, and economic reasons.

-- No matter your reason, check this site for updates on township and county meeting schedules.  Come and speak!  Let our elected officials hear your voices! 

-- Write to your elected officials.  We'll be posting letters from Clinton County Wind Watch writers that we're sending as well, so you can read them here.

--Write a letter to the editor.  Let more people read your opinion.

-- Share this site and our partner site with others.  There is power in numbers.  Let's mobilize. 

What can we do?  Well, we can do nothing and have turbines in our backyards.  Or, we can do something and fight as hard as we can ... and we might succeed.  It's worth a shot, isn't it?

Bengal Township is scheduling a special meeting on the proposed ordinance.  When the time is announced, we'll post it here.  Let's go and show our support. 

Any letter helps.  Just let people know what you think.

Clinton County News letters to the editor - 200 words, name, address, phone number. 
Tom Thelen -

Clinton County Planning Commission - Wendy Ward -

Clinton County Board of Commissioners - District 1, Dave Pohl -
District 4, Jack Enderle -

Check back soon or even better - Follow by Email on the right.  You do get an email asking you to approve the subscription, so be sure to check your junk email in case it goes in there. 

Thank you, Clinton County!